Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Wine or sushi after conception.  Had an epidural.  Still haven’t lost the baby weight.  Incomplete baby book.  Discontinued breastfeeding before 1 year.  Work outside the home. Welcome to Mom Guilt.  Of the 6 things listed above, I can check off 5 that I did.  And I...
Parenting and the Media

Parenting and the Media

Parenting doesn’t happen in a bubble.  As parents, we can’t help but be affected by what’s happening in the wider world.  Is it any wonder then that so many of us are feeling anxious, guilty, and overwhelmed? Last week I went to a thought-provoking presentation put on...
Lessons Learned from the Golden Globes

Lessons Learned from the Golden Globes

Last Sunday, over 8.4 million Canadians tuned into the 75th annual Golden Globe Awards, a celebration of cinematic and television excellence.  Here at DSA Media, some of us watched the awards for the fashion, or perhaps to see if our predictions were correct; but many...