Why Digital Media Isn’t Cheap Media

Why Digital Media Isn’t Cheap Media

One of the biggest misconceptions about digital media is that it’s a low cost alternative to more traditional advertising options. While years of cheap CPMs on Google and Facebook have conditioned marketers to believe they can run effective campaigns on shoestring...
Cake Pops and Adstock

Cake Pops and Adstock

After nine months of working from home, afternoon coffee runs have become my family’s Polaris during many chaotic days of balancing work needs with those of young children. It’s provided us a daily pause to reset and a boost to make it through the afternoon, and we’ve...
3 Tips for Better A/B Testing

3 Tips for Better A/B Testing

A/B testing multiple creative and tactics is one of the best ways to not only optimize a digital campaign, but also bring back meaningful insights during and after the campaign. The measurable nature of digital makes it the perfect testing grounds to answer marketing...
DSA Supports Local

DSA Supports Local

In 2018, $0.42 of every advertising dollar in Canada went to Facebook or Google, which equates to 78.2% of all online ad spend. That means there was less than a quarter leftover for other big players like Amazon, Microsoft, Verizon and Twitter to fight over with...